Monday, September 16, 2013

Catching up

Getting back into this blogging thing is exciting and also a bit daunting. In such a short span of time I feel like so much has happened! The biggest news, obviously, is that Dan came home from an 8-month deployment to Afghanistan. Never have we been more thankful and more aware of just how fortunate, blessed and lucky we are as a family.
Dan's homecoming meant a visit from Sue and Mario, Greg, Car and the kids and a trip back to LG to see my parents. Most of our time was spent relaxing, adjusting, appreciating having someone to talk to face to face vs. Facetime.

We've tried to make the past two months as fun and normal as possible for the kids. We surprised them with a trip to Disneyland, which was just as magical as it should be. Paige saw all the princesses, Mac got to meet his best bud Woody. Total stimulus overload - it was amazing.
School started up a few weeks ago and we're back into the groove. Both kids are in their second year of pre-school with Mac heading off to the "Big K" next year. Since his birthday is late he's missing the cutoff by about a month. That's just fine with me as I'm hyper aware these days of the passage of time and just wanting to keep my babies little as long as possible!