I've said it before and I'll say it again - I DO NOT do loose teeth! I'll do trips to the ER (check), beads up noses (check), vomit (double check), but I am completely freaked out by loose teeth. That's why it was all the more disturbing when Mac lost his first one today seemingly out of nowhere.
I was finishing up some work when Mac called me into the kitchen. "Mom!", he shrieked, "My tooth came out in my yougurt!" Now I had no idea Mac even had a loose tooth because he hadn't told us. I went into the kitchen thinking he must have been mistaken and sure enough his tooth was gone. Poor Bubba immediately burst into tears and proceeded to cry for the next 45 minutes about his missing tooth. He was upset because he was worried he would look funny. I assured him that all kids lose their teeth and that it's actually super awesome because you get money from the tooth fairy!
As soon as Mac heard "money" and "Legos" he stopped crying and decided maybe this whole tooth loss thing wasn't so bad. Here's hoping the rest of them come out without incidence (and that Dan is home to deal with it! Ewwwww!)