Monday, August 18, 2014

Into the woods

 The boys and their wheels
A little impromptu art lesson in the woods

Last weekend we took our first family camping trip up to Big Bear Lake. We reserved campsites at Pine Knot Campground with six other families so we were pretty much guaranteed to have a good time. I was a little nervous about how the kids would do sleeping in a tent, but start to finish they were great! Mac actually put himself to bed at 8:30 on Friday proclaiming, "Mom - if I don't go to bed now I'll be crabby tomorrow and that's not a good thing." How can you not love that?!?

We spent the weekend roasting marshmallows, visiting downtown Big Bear, checking out a water park and hanging near the lake. All in, a great experience with our friends! 
 Mac and his best buds, Phillip and Enzo
 Riding high with Daddy
 Everyone screams for ice cream!
 Listening to music at the Big Bear Arts Festival
 All the munchkins
I don't know about you, but I wouldn't leave my kids alone with these people!