Thursday, December 6, 2012

Week one update

Well we're almost through our first week of Dan's deployment and I'm happy to report we have all survived. Thank you so much to all of our friends and family who have been checking in to make sure we're staying afloat. It makes me a little sad and a lot humbled to know that it sometimes takes hardship to remind you to stop and appreciate your blessings.

Dan is in Fort Dix, NJ and is staying super busy. He's got 8 brand new roommates and bunk beds (just like Mac!) In true Dan spirit he's staying positive and we're able to talk every day, which is fantastic. M&P are doing okay, although they definitely miss their Daddy and keep asking when he's coming home from "talking to the bad guys." I'm trying my darndest to hold it all together and mostly just not to be sad. Thankfully work has been crazy, which is a really welcome distraction. If I don't get back to any of you right away please don't take it personally. I'm still trying to figure out how to juggle all of this but will hopefully settle into our new routine soon!