Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Farm to fork

When I was little my Mom had an amazing garden in our backyard. I remember she always lined it with rows of marigolds to try and keep the rabbits away. Every night, we'd walk outside with her and harvest whatever we needed for dinner. Even if I didn't always like the produce, I loved the idea of having our own little farm right off the back deck.
When we landscaped our yard this spring, I made sure to designate a fairly large plot just for said garden. After planting, watering, and a few silent prayers to the vegetable gods, I am happy to report our garden is a smashing success! We have more zucchini than we can ever eat, tomatoes galore, herbs everywhere, peppers-a-plenty, squash overload and blueberries and strawberries just for fun.
The best part of the garden has been sharing it with the kids. They love to go back there and pick basil and mint, search for inch worms and pull weeds. It's been a great learning experience for all of us. As we head into fall, the garden is starting to wither. I'm a little sad to see our produce dry up but am already looking forward to new crops next year!