Thursday, September 26, 2013

On the mend

The past 48-hours have been a bit rough at Chez Summa. Tuesday evening Paige started projectile vomiting all over the house. We finally got her to bed but she woke up the next morning still sick. I stayed home with her Wednesday hoping she could get some rest but poor munchkin couldn't stop throwing up.
Midway through the IV and finally able to eat some ice chips

I spoke with her pediatrician, who promptly asked me to get her to the hospital. Apparently if your child is vomiting for more than 8-hours straight you have to get them an IV. Off we went for a miserable 3-hour ordeal that involved multiple needle sticks, a very slow-dripping IV and one hysterically crying little girl. We went straight from the hospital to Target so I could buy Paige a treat. It seemed only fitting that we picked up a new "Brave" doll.
Today things are definitely looking better. Paige is back to her usual cheerful self and hasn't thrown up since last night. We even had a "Gatorade and saltine crackers" tea party this afternoon. My poor princess! Watching your kids suffer and not being able to help is just the worst!