I have a terrible confession - I accidentally killed Mac's fish, Sam. Last night, I decided to change his water and feed him some food as I'm going to be leaving for New York this weekend. Everything was going well until I went to put him back in his bowl. Then I made a terrible, terrible mistake.
I held Sam over the sink and tried to drain some of the water out of him bowl as I had filled it too high. Sure enough, Sam flipped right into the sink...and down the garbage disposal. I freaked out because 1.) who wants a Beta fish in their garbage disposal and 2.) I knew he was suffocating. Dan looked at me and said, "Well, there he goes." I, however, was on a mission. I grabbed a flashlight, stuck my hand down the garbage disposal and frantically felt around until I found Sam (BTW - this is really disgusting. There's some nasty stuff down there. I don't recommend it.)
I retrieved poor Sam, who looked like he'd been through a war. I put him back in his bowl and fed him some food. I tried to talk to him and get him going again and for awhile it looked like he might make it. Then I came downstairs this morning and found him - swimming vertical - in his bowl. I haven't told Mac and am on my way to the pet store again now. This can't keep happening. Seriously, I'm traumatized by all the dead fish in our house. Oh, the things I do for my children!