Well, it's been two days since I finished the Rock n' Roll marathon and I'm just now able to hobble down the stairs facing forward. Start to finish it was an amazing - and humbling - experience in so many ways. I spent a lot of time training for this race and really thought I was ready. I knew the last few miles would be difficult, but I honestly had no idea
how difficult! I was on track to finish at my desired pace (3:40) until I hit Mile 21. Suddenly, I found myself facing a giant hill. My running friends and I have since dubbed said hill "casualty hill" as there were literally bodies scattered all over the place. People walking, people doubled over, people practically crying. It was horrible. I looked at the hill, watched my pace group run past me and realized there was no way I was going to make my time.
Listening to Meb speak at the expo
(Meb won Boston this year and is from San Diego. SUCH an inspiring guy!)
Instead, I spent the next 6 miles doing what Dan and I now call the "run shuffle" to the finish line. I was barely moving. I felt like a wild animal - I was chugging water, chomping down on ice when people handed it to me and running in a mental fog. It was surreal - and immensely painful. I saw a man go down at Mile 25 and all I could think was, "Oh. I could just curl up on the side of the road next to him. That would be amazing." I seriously don't know how but somehow I made it to the finish line.
At the start line, about :30 before the gun
Getting ready for the race with my training partner and running bud, Mary
Post-race pic. We're holding each other up here.
I ran this race for myself, yes, but the real motivation came from my friends. I was running to raise money for Autism Awareness on behalf of our dear friends, the DeBlocks. Knowing I couldn't let Wes down definitely motivated me. I was also running for my friend Tiff. Tiff was a dear friend of mine from high school who developed a brain tumor at age 24. She fought the good fight but cancer ultimately beat her about a month and a half ago. I ran Sunday in her honor and let me tell you, she definitely pulled me to the finish.
Will I do another marathon? Yes, because I'm competitive and determined to get to my goal time. Will I enjoy it? Nope ;)