Friday, November 7, 2014

Tether ball gone wrong

Yes, we went back to Urgent Care on Tuesday. It's almost embarrassing for me to admit how many times I've had to take my kids to this place. I know the intake nurse (Larry) and the attending doctor (Dr. Pearl) on a first-name basis. Seriously, ridiculous.

Anyway, I got a call from school that Mac had taken a tether ball to the head while playing outside with his friends. My first reaction was how-the-heck-can-you-get-a-cut-from-a-tether-ball? But it seemed like the wrong thing to say, so instead I said, "I'll be right there." Five minutes later, I picked up my poor Bubba with a nasty cut on his forehead.

Fast forward three hours later and we were back home stitches-free. The doctor was able to use medical glue this time and we are now affectionately referring to Mac's boo-boo as having been fixed with "the Kragle" (the magic glue from the LEGO movie).