I'm happy to report that Sue Sue and Bubba brought their Christmas magic all the way to the West Coast! We ended up having a truly wonderful Christmas at home. "Santa" came to visit again this year, which is always such a treat. I really thought M&P would be onto things, but to my surprise and delight they were totally duped.
Sue Sue with the kids on Christmas Eve
I honestly can't believe they still buy this but I love it!
Especially when Santa asks for a scotch!
Especially when Santa asks for a scotch!
A new bike! And the biggest hit was the kickstand!
The talking/walking dog gift made for one very happy little Birdie.
Post-church on Christmas Eve. My handsome little boy and my diva.
The other funny incident to emerge from this year is the story of Christmas dinner. We're not big ham people so decided instead to prepare a duck. I went to the grocery store to buy a duck but was only able to locate something called a capon. I asked the butcher if "capon" was the same as duck and he told me yes. Now at this point, I should mention it's been awhile since I took Spanish or French. I wasn't sure I believed this guy but figured at worst it was a goose.Fast forward to Christmas Eve. I'm defrosting said bird in the sink when Bubba walks by and says, "Ahhh...what are we having for dinner again?" Long story short, capon is actually immature, castrated rooster. It's described as a "young, tough bird", which is exactly how it tastes. Luckily everyone was in good spirits and had a laugh over our "Christmas c*ck" incident. SO embarrassing (and might I say disgusting.)